There are 4.7 million eligible Californians who are not registered to vote. Their voices are missing in our democracy. Join the movement to empower millions of Californians today!
California has the largest population of eligible but unregistered voters in the country.
Communities of color are overrepresented in California’s eligible but unregistered population, leading to an electorate that skews whiter than the state as a whole. Senate Bill 299 would help ensure California’s electorate looks more like the state population.
4.7 million is a big number—what does that really look like?
The 4.7 million Californians who are eligible to vote, but not registered to do so, are enough to make up more than 6 full Congressional districts.
If these folks were their own state, it’d be the 25th largest in the country.
It’s more than twice the size of New Mexico, four times the size of Rhode Island, and larger than the country of Croatia.
The second-highest population of eligible unregistered voters is in Texas, but even they have about 1.5 million fewer eligible unregistered voters than we do.

“Oregon implemented [SB299-style legislation] in 2016 and in the seven years since then, we’ve registered roughly 1 million new voters while reducing DMV transaction times.”
— Shamus Hannan, Oregon DMV application development manager
“[Senate Bill 299] would substantially improve protections for non-citizens in California’s AVR system.”
— Josh Rosenthal, longtime immigration attorney and current Legal Director for the Public Rights Project
“Through [Senate Bill 299] anyone who is a citizen, who goes into the DMV will be automatically registered to vote. It is incredibly important that all eligible voters have an opportunity to participate in our democratic processes.”
— California State Senator Monique Limón
Senator Monique Limón and Dolores Huerta with members of the California Grassroots Democracy Coalition
WE ARE A COALITION OF 140+ ORGANIZATIONS FIGHTING for a better democracy in california.
The California Grassroots Democracy Coalition has joined together to advance a new vision for California’s democracy and dismantle racist barriers to civic participation that marginalize Black, Indigenous, people of color, naturalized citizens, young, low-income, and low English proficiency voters.

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